
Why would you want to inch your way toward your goals when you can take a leap?

This philosophy is NOT for everyone…and there is nothing wrong with inching 🙂

I thought I would just share some insight for those of you that feel like a leap is in order for 2014!

I want to share with you my Top 6 Must Do’s in order to leap forward in your business or life for 2014!

  1. SAY YES to YOU! –  I’m NOT talking about saying yes to other people’s needs. I’m talking about saying YES to the things you need to do to grow your business! Yes to attending that event, yes to that speaking opportunity, yes to joining that coaching program and yes to your Heart’s DESIRES! No one is going to fill those for you! Sorry, but true 🙂
  2. Change your relationship with $$$$ – Whether it’s reading wealth consciousness books like “Think & Grow Rich” or “The Science of Getting Rich” or “Busting Loose from the Money Game”. Change your awareness and beliefs around money and what is possible! This is SUPER important! The more money you have, the more good you can do!
  3. Take a quantum leap in your faith in God/universe (whatever higher power you believe in) Spending time in worry, stress, fear, doubt, and anxiety is the opposite of having faith! Take whatever challenge you have in your life and ask “How can I see this as an opportunity to grow in my Faith?”
  4. Align with your divine purpose – When we are in alignment with our purpose, everything clicks and we naturally attract more ideal clients and money! Everything becomes easier and more effortless!
  5. Take a quantum leap in your faith in yourself! – Say YES to the big opportunities to put yourself out there! No one can believe more in you than you
  6. Get comfortable being uncomfortable! – You will absolutely need to do things outside of your comfort zone! This is the only way to leap forward! Start seeing life as a game and enjoy the unknown instead of being afraid of it!

Happy Leaping!

believe grow shine

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