
There is a huge misconception out there about something that I have found very important in my life. Something that I used to try to ignore or push away from. Something that a lot of people have a hard time expressing. Something that most have been taught is wrong or unsafe.

It’s our Feelings!

Before you stop reading (LOL!) Hang with me here, I believe there is a breakthrough in here for YOU!

How many times have you heard “Stop being so sensitive!”

How many times have you felt bad about your feelings, like you shouldn’t be feeling this way.

How many times have you felt it’s not safe to share my feelings because you will be ridiculed or made fun of?

I can’t tell you how many people have those experiences in their life. The reason I’m talking about this is because we have a HUGE misconception about our feelings and expressing them in a healthy way.

Here is the TRUTH! Feelings are just energy, plain and simple! 

When we hold them back or shove them down, they get stuck energetically and clog us up…just like a clogged toilet! (nice visual, huh?) If we don’t allow our feelings out, to flush through us, we become a clogged toilet.

We don’t work right.

The problem with being a clogged toilet is that over time it starts to effect more parts of you. It can actually get to the point of expressing itself in the form of a health condition or some type of physical symptom, like a headache.

When I was healing from my childhood trauma that caused my anxiety and panic attacks, I was getting a lot of very intense headaches. The cause ended up being clogged emotions. Once I started to release the past, all of my headaches went away.

Here are 5 Tips to Relate to your feeling in a healthy way.

  1. Feeling are just energy, your life force flowing through you!
  2. Feeling are our guidance. If you are feeling something, stop and ask yourself why am I feeling this way? Am I on the wrong path? Am I about to take a huge leap forward? Am I not honoring or respecting myself? Am I holding healthy boundaries?
  3. We are the only ones that put a name to the feeling. Did you know that fear and excitement have the exact same physiological response in your body? You are the one that judges and puts a name to the feeling.
  4. Unexpressed feeling can manifest in physical symptoms. If you are feeling something physically, ask yourself what is your body trying to tell you? What are you not expressing?
  5. We all have patterns around what feelings we are choosing on a regular basis. Tony Robbins says “The quality of your life is the quality of your emotions!” If you don’t like the quality of your life, then open up to new experiences and emotions!

What is 1 thing you can do this week that will bring you joy?

What is 1 thing you can do this week that will get you excited?

What is 1 way you can experience love?

Don’t deprive yourself! Choose to feel ALIVE! Welcome your feelings, express them and move on!

Have an OUTSTANDING week! It’s your choice!

believe grow shine

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