
Above are 2 photos of me taken almost exactly 1 year apart. I will get back to this in a minute.

One of the most self-sabotaging patterns we have is to compare ourself to others. It’s like comparing apples to oranges. You will NEVER EVER benefit from that pattern. Even if you are comparing and “come out on top”, you really don’t win. There will always be someone who makes more money, or has more friends, etc.

The only person you ever need to compare yourself to is YOU!

Now back to the picture. What do you think about the difference? Big? Little?

Have you ever looked at photos of yourself from just a few months or years ago and can hardly recognize yourself

That’s one healthy way to compare yourself. Are you more confident than you used to be? Do you stretch more out of your comfort zone? Do you take bolder action? Do you take bigger risks? Do you feel more alive?

If yes, GREAT!

If not, then hold the judgement. Just ask yourself what needs to change?

What is 1 small or big thing you can do to move forward?

Here are a few examples of actions to move you forward (I have done all of these, not saying to brag, just saying I would never ask you to do something I have not done myself 🙂

  • Take a trip that makes no “logical” sense but feels like exactly what you need!
  • Join a coaching program or find a mentor who will inspire you to stretch and hold the space for you to grow and expand.
  • Sponsor an event
  • Speak locally or nationally at an event where your ideal clients are gathered
  • Choose to face one of your biggest fears (mine was my fear of heights by going zip lining!)

You get the idea?

OK, now time to decide…what is 1 thing that you will commit to right here, right now to move you forward?

I’d love to hear it! Feel free to respond and let me know so I can hold you accountable! 🙂

It’s time to stop comparing yourself to others and let go of the stories about why you don’t deserve things or are not good enough….because it’s just NOT true!

Have an OUTSTANDING week! It’s your choice!

believe grow shine

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