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Events like the bombings at the Boston Marathon can bring out the best or worst in people. What people usually don’t realize is that they can choose to have whatever experience they want. It’s all a matter of what people are focusing on…

People will either focus on things that are out of their control and end up feeling angry, depressed, and powerless. OR they can focus on things that ARE in their control. For example, they can focus on the good that they bring into the world, how much they help other people, or by just being a happy joyous person the positive energy that brings to others.

The truth is that nothing gets accomplished, or ever changes when people are feeling depressed, powerless, or fearful!

Ask yourself, “How can I take what has happened and make a positive impact in the world or in your community?

Maybe you volunteer or do something that you would not have done before that helps people!

Personally, I use it as a reminder that there are no guarantees of tomorrow for anyone and I am absolutely determined to make the most of every moment! That the little things we can get caught up in really don’t matter at all!

Lastly, I like to ask myself, “What have I learned from this experience?” “What can I change about myself?”

What can you do to make the world a better place? What small or large thing can you do right NOW to make a positive impact? Then start today!
Spread your joy to those around you! Chose to focus on what is in your control!

It is my choice how I respond to anything in my life!

I am only responsible for my feelings, thoughts, and actions!

I choose to make a positive impact on the world!

Make it an OUTSTANDING week! It’s your CHOICE!

believe grow shine

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