objectives-goalsI’m sure you have heard it a bunch of times…we are human beings, not human doings! Our culture and the way we live life in this country has conditioned us to be doer’s. Most people believe that just being is a waste of precious time, that we have to be doing something. This is something that we have created in this culture. I remember having a conversation with my neighbor whose family is from Italy about the lifestyle over there. They close down shops and businesses in the afternoon for everyone to go home and rest! What a concept! And even though they drink a lot of wine and eat pasta, they have significantly better health stats and lower rates of all major diseases. I think they are on to something. They have learned ways to be successful in their lives without running themselves into the ground.

I invite you to take this concept one step further in thinking about accomplishing a goal. We usually write out our list of “to-do’s” in order to be successful. We run around frantically everyday checking things off our lists frequently to the detriment our health, family, and well being. What if there was a smarter way?

What if it wasn’t about what you “did” to accomplish the goal, but it was about who you need to become? Let’s say, for example, you want to make $100,000 this year. Instead of always focusing on what tasks you need to do to make that happen you focus on WHO you need to BECOME to make that happen. You need to be the person that has unwavering faith in the universe and yourself. Stop doubting and worrying about everything. You need to be the person that stands up for yourself and sets healthy boundaries. You need to become the person that stops worrying about what everyone else thinks and stop comparing yourself to them. You need to step into your big girl or boy pants and have some tough conversations you have been putting off. What does the you that makes $100,000 this year stand for? How do you walk? Talk? Make decisions? Who do you hang around with? Start acting as if you have already made that $100,000!

Think of a goal you would like to accomplish, it could be a short term or long term goal. Instead of writing down what tasks you need to do to get to this goal, write down who you need to become to accomplish this goal and start acting like that person!

I have the strength and courage to be my true authentic self.
I achieve joy and fulfillment by being my true self.

Make it an OUTSTANDING week! It’s your choice!

believe grow shine

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