
I was watching Piers Morgan interview Tony Robbins a few months ago and had an epiphany that answered the question: Why do some people overcome challenges in their lives while others stay stuck?

It was the question that Piers was asking Tony and his response hit me right in my heart. He said that in his experience, the people that overcome challenges, challenges that paralyzed others for months or years all had one thing in common. They ALL took their experiences and used them to help others.

This rang true for me as I reflected on my past challenges and what I have done to overcome them, and how I have been able to use those experiences to help others make significant shifts in their lives.

It is sometimes easy to forget because I have experienced such a radical shift in my life, that it was just a few short years ago that I was at rock bottom, not being able to work, leave the house some days, or drive a car.

I can look back and say with absolute certainty that I would not have the success I have now in helping my clients if I had not been at rock bottom and learned how to climb out. What was my “nightmare,” at the time, was really my gift. The gift I now use to help so many experience huge transformation in their own lives and businesses.

Think of a challenge you are experiencing right now and ask yourself: “How can this experience benefit others?” There is a powerful shift that takes place when we stop trying to overcome the challenge for ourselves, but instead focus on how we are going to be able to use this experience to help many other people.

When I was at rock bottom, I knew in my gut that there was a greater purpose. A purpose that would really help me be able to help many others. I definitely focused on that and remember feeling empowered and fueled by that thought.

Have an OUTSTANDING week! It’s Your choice!

believe grow shine

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