
Would you like to have potential clients calling YOU????

I know what you are saying “Well, of course I would, Colleen!”

Who wouldn’t, right?

I was so excited to get two messages from my private clients the other week celebrating that they each had potential clients call THEM!

No, it was NOT a coincidence and it was NOT magic!

There is a specific energetic principle that is important to understand…

When you are in alignment with your purpose and get out of your own way…it seems like magic happens.

Someone calls you out of “nowhere” to work with you or invite you to speak somewhere in front of your ideal clients.

This is not magic…it’s being in alignment!

5 Keys to being in Alignment so Potential Clients call YOU!

  1. Know who you are & who you serve – what are your values? Is your business a reflection of those values? Who do you serve? The stronger you are about who you are, who you serve, & how you help them…the more ideal clients will be drawn to you! 

  2. Breaking through fear – you will absolutely need to do things that are out of your comfort zone to grow your business! Get comfortable with being uncomfortable! The more you try to stay comfortable and “safe” in your business…the more you are repelling clients from you. Your clients need to know you exist! 

  3. Living your purpose in your business – doing what comes naturally to you & what you LOVE to do. 

    I believe each of us has a specific purpose in live out in our business that combines our gifts & talents with what we have overcome in our life. Are you living your purpose in your business? 

  4. Taking action! 

    Not just any action…action that will move you toward your goals! Like doing revenue generating activities like speaking (radio shows, tele classes, workshops) & following up with potential & past clients (via picking up the phone or email) 

  5. Getting support to get out of your own way! Both of my clients had sabotaging patterns we were working through that was preventing them from getting clients in the past.

For example…thinking other people are better than you, wanting to please everyone, procrastinating, wanting to be perfect. If you don’t know how to change those patterns…they will sabotage your business!

What would it do for you to have clients calling you?

What if you no longer felt like you had to chase them down?

How would you feel?

Well, I have proof it is possible!

The question to ask yourself is…Are you in alignment to receive these clients?

If not, what are you willing to do to change it?


believe grow shine

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