I LOVE this image! It is just so true! How did I change my life so quickly and so drastically (including my intense fear of public speaking)? It’s a simple principle, live your life outside of your comfort zone. What that really means is that I was scared (REALLY scared at times) to go out of my comfort zone, but I did it anyways! I felt the fear, the overwhelming fear, yet still moved forward. Was that easy? Heck NO! But it was a choice I made. If we only live life inside of our comfort zone, we stay stuck, get sick, fall apart! We are meant to continually grow and experience new things!

I am now very “comfortable” with being uncomfortable. I now seek out those experiences in which I know I will grow. I actually use FEAR as a gauge, the more fear I feel about something, the more I know it is the perfect thing for me to do! (NOT KIDDING!)

Pick one thing this week (or each day for those super motivated people) that you have been putting off because it is “outside your comfort zone” and do it! Is is having a much needed difficult conversation with a friend or family member? Is it talking to your boss about why you are unhappy at work? Is it scheduling a talk or workshop to share your experience or expertise? You can do! I am right there cheering you on!

It is safe to welcome new experiences into my life!
It is safe to step out of my comfort zone!
I THRIVE when I step out of my comfort zone!

Make it a great week! It’s your choice!

believe grow shine

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