Blindfolded young woman walking through lightbulbs searching bright idea

Eight years ago we moved into our first house.  I was so excited.  Even though it wasn’t my dream home, it was in a perfect neighborhood to raise a family.

The week we moved in, we had a neighbor that had just become a chiropractic patient invite us to the neighborhood block party, called Flamingo Friday.  It was a party that happened every Friday during the summer at a neighbors house.  

My husband didn’t want to go, but I was so excited (and very nervous) to meet some new friends.

I was told the address of the party was 19.

So, Friday night came and I downed a little liquid courage.  I was going to a party where everyone else knew each other.  I was the new kid on the block.  

I was really really nervous.  I walked up the street looking for house 19.  That’s all I was focused on.  

This is it, house 19.  I took some deep breaths and rang the doorbell.  I thought to myself, this seems very quite.  I don’t hear any people.  But, I thought maybe they are just out back.

Then a man answered the door.  I said in a nervous voice, I am here for Flamingo Friday.  I flashed a big smile hoping that would hide how nervous I was.

He started laughing, almost uncontrollably.  He said, you are here for Flamingo Friday???  He could barely get the words out he was laughing so hard.

I said, yes.  I had no idea what was so funny.

He said, honey, I don’t do Flamingo Fridays.  If you look right across the street where all those flamingos are in the yard, and all those people are…that’s were Flamingo Friday is.

I said thank you.  I was totally humiliated.  Boy, I must have looked like a total dumb blonde.  LOL

So, I crossed the street and went to the house that had several pink flamingos in the yard and people everywhere.

The reason I am sharing this story is that I look back on that story and realize something really important.  

How could I have missed where the party was, when it was SO obvious???

The first thing is that I was told it was house #19, and that’s all I was focusing on.  I was not even paying attention to the signs that were all around me.  It was like I had tunnel vision.  I didn’t even notice the house across the street had several pink flamingos in the front yard!

The second thing, is that because I was so nervous, I was in the fight or flight state.  It’s a state you go into when you are stressed, anxious, fearful, worrying, frustrated, doubtful, or uncertain.

It’s totally messes with you and how you function.  This causes tunnel vision too.  It shuts down your ability to think clearly, logically, or creatively.  It can block you from seeing what is right in front of you.  This state also dumps a bunch of chemicals in your body like cortisol and adrenaline.  If you spend long periods of time in this state, you will burn out your adrenal glands, and create a slew of health issues like anxiety, headaches, migraines, chronic neck or back pain, auto immune issues, cancer, fibromyalgia, or chronic fatigue.

How often are you in this state and totally miss opportunities that are right in front of you???

What is this costing you?  Your health?  

How often are you focusing on what you think is the right thing, what you think is the truth, and miss what you really need or what is the real truth???

Back then, I didn’t have any tools to get out of this stressed state.  I was trying to use alcohol, but obviously, that didn’t help!

Do you have tools to get out of this stressed state?  To get out of tunnel vision?  To reconnect with what is the real TRUTH?

If so, then I want to encourage you to use them on regular basis and watch your life transform.

If not, then I encourage you to empower yourself.

If you find yourself in this state often, and it’s wearing on your health and draining your energy, and are ready to do something about it.  Then, I want to invite you to explore how I could empower you to reconnect with your truth and transform your health and your life.

Click here to apply for a Complimentary Empowered Health Consultation.  Please only apply if you are ready to empower yourself NOW and make changes.  

If it’s a good fit, then I will contact you within 24 hrs to sign up for a consultation.

With Courage,


believe grow shine

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