
The government, teachers, doctors, police officers, coaches, friends, moms, dads…the list goes on and on of people who we have been conditioned to listen to! DON’T get me wrong…I’m NOT saying to break the law or rules, I’m just saying that so many people have lost the ability to turn within for the answers to our biggest questions!

We ALL have the part of us that knows exactly what we need! The part that has the solution to your problem! Some people call it intuition. Some call it the part of us connected to God or the Universe. It doesn’t matter what you call it, it is just important to acknowledge it is there and to cultivate a relationship with this part of yourself!

We have just gotten into a habit of looking outside of ourselves for the answer. To be honest, sometimes the answer leads you to hire someone to help, and that’s great! But when we are constantly relying on others, we dis-empower ourselves. Others can definitely share their advice and wisdom but the only person who knows what is best for you is you! The only person who has to live with the consequences of your decisions is you!

I have used my intuition to make BIG, HUGE life-changing decisions in my life and it has always paid off! I’ve used my intuition to…

  • Enroll in chiropractic school even though I had NEVER been to a chiropractor or knew any! (some would call that irresponsible, NOT me, I couldn’t ignore the inner message!)
  • Stop practicing chiropractic and start my coaching business 2 years ago, even though it made no logical sense (SUPER glad I listened to that inner voice!)
  • Enroll in my 1st coaching program even though at the time I made no where near the amount per month to “afford” it! (HUGE BLESSING!)

You see, from the outside looking in, those decisions seemed very irresponsible, very risky, and some even said “crazy”! And I can’t even imagine where my life would be if I hadn’t followed MY guidance. Btw, I met my husband in chiro school! 🙂

So…what has your inner guidance been telling you? Have you been pushing it down or ignoring it? Have you been listening?

Here are a few quick tips to build your intuition muscle:

  • Take time each day to quiet your mind and turn within for the answers to your questions.
  • Do some deep breathing or other energy work to get you grounded and out of stress. It’s harder to connect within when you are in “stress mode”!
  • If you get a “feeling” about something, follow it!
  • Another great way to connect is through journaling. Take time to sit down and journal how you are feeling and your thoughts. You may be surprised by what comes through!
  • If someone makes a recommendation about something, take time to check in with yourself before following the recommendation. Make sure it’s in alignment with what you need 🙂

The more you use it, the stronger it will get! Have fun and enjoy the process!

Make it an Outstanding week! It’s YOUR choice!

believe grow shine

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