Midday Nap

Have you ever thought about where you get your energy from?

You may instantly think of what kind of food you eat or how much sleep you have gotten…which does have a role in your energy or lack of energy.  But, it’s just a few pieces of the puzzle.  

There are other ways sources of energy that can either be very detrimental to you OR very invigorating and inspiring!

Let’s explore these other sources of energy and talk about how they may be helping or hurting you.

1. One place you may be getting energy from is other people.

Let’s look at an example of how this can play out.

You are facing a challenge in your health and you are feeling stuck.  You have already seen a doctor or two and tried their recommendations, but nothing has changed.  You have gone to a holistic practitioner, and followed their recommendations, but nothing has changed.  You have changed what you are eating and how much you are exercising, with very little change.  

You are starting to feel helpless and hopeless.  So, you start talking about this challenge with your family and friends.  You notice after you talk about it with them, you feel better…only if it’s for a short period of time.  Now, you may notice this change in how you feel consciously or subconsciously.  Pretty soon, it’s all you can talk about.  

What is happening is that you are getting energy from others.  The attention, concern, love, and the way you are connecting over this issue gives you a boost.  

Even though logically you just want this challenge solved, deep down your body is getting so much energy and attention from others that this part of you longs for this energy.

This is how people can become “addicted” to having challenges in their life.  They get so much love, attention, and connection when they have a challenge, that they stay in a continuous cycle of one challenge after another. 

The majority of the time, the person is not aware of this addiction.  

So, obviously, this is a very disempowering way to receive energy, because it means you will always have to have a challenge in your life.  And, it means you will be dependent upon others for energy.  

2.  Another way people can get energy is by being in the fight or flight (survival mode).  When you are in survival mode, you get energy from a bunch of hormones that are dumped into your system.  

Being in survival mode means that your body’s physiology changes.  It completely changes how your body functions.  Your heart beats faster, you sweat, your breathing is shallow and rapid.  Your digestion slows down as well as your body’s ability to rejuvenate and heal.  

When you are constantly in survival, you are constantly exhausted, no matter how much sleep you get. Basically, your body never shuts down.  It never relaxes.  

Typically this happens when people have experienced some type of trauma in their life, no matter how long ago it happened.  

Anytime there is trauma, whether it’s any type of abuse, bullying, abandonment, accidents, losing a loved one, divorce, infidelity, or having a parent that was constantly negative or critical towards you, etc., the body goes into survival mode.  The survival mode is designed to protect you against a threat, whether that threat is physical or emotional.  

The more traumas you experience or the more impact a trauma has on you, the easier it is for your body to be triggered to go into survival mode. 

Being in survival mode can cause you to gain weight (even if you are exercising or eating healthy), it can cause you to be very irritable, it can cause you to push away the people that care about you.  It can cause you to make poor decisions.  All you want to do is survive! This will cause you to pass by opportunities for growth or to do things outside your comfort zone.  It will feel too threatening to you.  

You may start to lose your passion for life and start to feel dead inside. 

This is also very disempowering.  It feels like your body is out of control and no matter what you do, you can’t relax.  

Here’s an example.

I had a client that had a mom that was an alcoholic and very critical growing up.  It was very chaotic in her home.  She never knew if her mom was going to be nice or mean…drunk or sober.  She was always on edge, always in survival mode. It seemed like no matter what she did, it was never good enough. She spent her whole childhood trying to please her mom and make her proud. 

Her body got so used to always being in survival mode, that it become “normal” to her.  That is how she got her energy.  She was addicted to being in survival.  When she came to me she was in her early 40s and was totally exhausted, depressed, and felt like she was barely getting by.  She was in a job she hated and had a string of relationships with the guys that treated her like crap.  

I used techniques to reprogram her body from the past traumas.  I taught her how to connect with Divine energy.  Within 1 month, she quit her job and found the job of her dreams making $30,000 more a year! She also dumped the guy she was dating that was so wrong for her.  

3.  The other source of energy is God/Divine/Universe/Spirit/Higher power. 

Now this energy is pure, powerful, and when connected to it, you will THRIVE!

Here’s what it looks like when you are Thriving…

 You take risks that are aligned to what you want.

 You believe in yourself, I mean TRULY believe, not just intellectually.

 You no longer tolerate things or people that suck the life out of you.

 You know in your heart that no matter what happens or how many mistakes you make, it will all turn out in your favor.

  You truly believe and have faith in God/Divine/Universe/Higher power that you are always supported.

 You live your purpose in your career.

You don’t give a sh*t about what others think about you.

 You make your own rules.

Here’s what blocks people from connecting with this energy…

– the pain from their past traumas

– the unforgiveness in their heart

– the fear and limiting beliefs they have about who they are and what is possible for them from past traumas

– feeling helpless, hopeless, or powerless

So, I want you to ask yourself, where do you get your energy?

What would change in your life IF you stopped getting your energy from other people or survival mode?  

What if you could consistently connect with divine source energy?

If you feel stuck in breaking out of your past trauma, and would like to explore how I may be able to support you, and if you are a good fit for a Complimentary Thriving Life Consultation, click here to fill out a brief questionnaire.  If it’s a good fit, I will email you within 24 hrs to set up a time to talk.

With Courage,


believe grow shine

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