Monday Motivator!  Hope in the Face of Tragedy

Monday Motivator! Hope in the Face of Tragedy

I find one of the least productive things to do when a tragedy occurs is to go into a state of fear and panic that no one will ever be safe again. For every 1 story I hear about why the world is horrible and unsafe, I hear 10 more stories about selfless, courageous,...

A special video message from Colleen

Click here to schedule your Empowered Life Consultation. If you don’t see a time that works for your schedule, email me and we will make something work! Sharing is caring! If you know someone in your life that could greatly benefit from this opportunity, please...
Monday Motivator!  The road less traveled…

Monday Motivator! The road less traveled…

The road less traveled… Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. – Robert Frost I received an amazing card from a client this week that had that quote on the front. On the inside it read...