Are you letting other people define what is possible…

We hear advice from people ALL the time! Some of it can be good, and some can be horrible and incredibly limiting! The thing to remember is that we are hearing their advice through their filter and what they think is possible in the world! They may be coming from...

It’s Not What You Think…

So often I meet people who are so incredibly stressed out they can barely see straight. They usually have absolutely no idea that how they are feeling mentally, emotionally, and physically is really impacting their life, every single aspect! Or if they do, they have...

Have we all lost it?

I was in a boot camp class last week and one of the exercises during the workout was to do a “high-knee” skip.  I was very surprised about the experience that was to come.  During the wee hours of the morning (boot camp starts at 5:50 am!) when I started...

What are you made of???

Sugar and spice and everything nice?  I just couldn’t resist!  That nursery rhyme keeps playing in my head! But seriously, so many people have expectations of life that are unrealistic.  People don’t want to deal with their problems, they think life should...

Lessons from a recovering reality TV junkie…

I’m Colleen Suchecki, and I’m a recovering reality TV junkie. I just admitted it publicly. Throughout my 20s and early 30s, I would waste hours and hours of time watching Reality TV shows every night. I would get so caught up in all of the drama. One of my...

Do you feel like a victim?

Three years ago when I started getting panic attacks and severe stress and anxiety, I could have easily thrown in the towel. One underlying cause of all of that had to do with how I was living my life, always wanting to be in control, taking care of everyone except...

What eggs have to do with personal power

I realize this may sound totally crazy, but I have absolutely despised eggs since I was little. (Do you have a food that you feel this way about?) I mean I couldn’t even be around someone who was eating eggs without feeling repulsed and sick to my stomach. Since...

The Definition of Insanity

“The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect different results!”  – Albert Einstein I love that! So many people are guilty of this, including myself. It’s like pounding your head into a wall over and over...
Are you buying into the fear?

Are you buying into the fear?

It is what everyone is talking about. The Flu (don don don!) The conversations I have had with people the last few weeks has been really eye-opening. People are freaking out and scared to death of the flu. Of course, this has absolutely nothing to do with the media...
To do or not to do…

To do or not to do…

I’m sure you have heard it a bunch of times…we are human beings, not human doings! Our culture and the way we live life in this country has conditioned us to be doer’s. Most people believe that just being is a waste of precious time, that we have to...