by Colleen Suchecki | Jun 10, 2013
It is a pretty common myth I hear that to get different results in your business, or health, or life… it HAS to take really long time. A lot of people believe that because that has been their experience or the experience of someone they have known. But get this,...
by Colleen Suchecki | Jun 3, 2013
I received my first “hate mail” last week and it reminded of a topic that I have seen pop up in several of my coaching conversations with clients last week. In the past, I would have gotten very offended and concerned that I was saying something that...
by Colleen Suchecki | May 20, 2013
I have a dear friend from high school who was diagnosed with Stage 4 Breast Cancer 2 years ago which has now spread to many other areas. Despite 3 aggressive rounds of chemo and other trial drugs, the cancer has progressed. She has two beautiful children; a 7...
by Colleen Suchecki | May 13, 2013
I was watching Piers Morgan interview Tony Robbins a few months ago and had an epiphany that answered the question: Why do some people overcome challenges in their lives while others stay stuck? It was the question that Piers was asking Tony and his response hit me...
by Colleen Suchecki | May 7, 2013
As I return to “normal” life after spending a week as a Speaker & Sponsor at Be The Change, I found myself reflecting on my experiences. The lessons I learned could fill a book! But, today I really want to ask you: Do you have what it takes? To...