Are you hiding and expecting your ideal clients to seek you out? 

Playing the game of hide-and-seek in your business will definitely not bring the fun and laughter it did when we were kids.  In fact, it will more than likely bring pain, struggle, and misery! 

So many purpose-driven women business owners are hiding!  It’s become an epidemic!  It’s so painful to watch because it prevents their clients from finding them, from making the impact they really want to make in the world, and usually they are struggling with their money!  UGHHH!  That’s a recipe for disaster! 

I know how painful it is because I used to do the same thing!  I avoided public speaking like the plague, I didn’t want to voice my opinion and really stand out, and I thought I would be happy with just blending in with everyone else.  Right? 


I was miserable!  It felt like a part of me was dying inside.  I felt like I really had so much to share that I was wasting my gifts by staying small and hiding!  NO MORE!  I know that I was given these gifts and experiences to help others and I made a commitment to honor that. 

So here’s the truth why most people hide… 

It’s the Ego’s way of keeping you exactly where you are!  It gives you a false illusion of security and safety!   

And is NOT serving you, your business, or your potential clients! 

Here are 3 Ways to Start Stepping up and Standing out! 

  1. Speak – Offer to give a free talk somewhere local where your ideal clients hang out.  Speaking is a GREAT way to position yourself as the expert!  For example you could go to a health food store/Whole Foods, Church, Metaphysical Store, Chiropractic office, networking group, the opportunities are endless!
  2. Share a post on Facebook that comes from the heart and is authentically your point of view!  Give a valuable tip or 2!
  3. Make a point to really connect with people, everywhere…when you go to the grocery store, hairdresser, chiropractor, doctors office, etc.  Genuinely connect with them and ask about what they do and share about what you do!  You never know who you are going to meet!  It also makes the day a lot more fun and interesting!

So go out there and make it an Outstanding week!  It’s your choice!

believe grow shine

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