Collen Suchecki

I woke up the other morning with a dream that changed everything! To explain the dream I will give you a brief back story.

I ran on a relay team in track in high school. The coach was not my favorite person in the world. Our relay team, which consisted of 4 girls, ended up qualifying for the State Track meet. We were ecstatic! I was the slowest runner of the 4 girls. My coach did something I thought was horrendous for years…

Before the State track meet, our coach held a runoff with the girl that was the alternate for our relay team. If she beat my time, then he was going to run her at the State finals instead of me. I was astounded! I was pissed! I was scared! I remember hiding behind the bathrooms at the track as the other girl ran her race. He even had other girls running with her to help pace her so she would run her fastest. It was as if the deck was stacked against me!

She didn’t beat me time, despite the coach’s best efforts to kick me off the relay team. I have to admit I held a grudge and blamed him for a long time! And then I had a dream…

Not like Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream this was an actual dream while I was sleeping. The track coach was in my dream. Back then I felt like he never believed in me. As I woke up I realized something that changed everything…

He represents the part of myself that doesn’t believe in me! What I realized is that I actually created that experience in high school! It was the part of myself that questioned, Do I really deserve to be on the relay team?”

It has given me the tremendous insight that the people we think are doing things “to us” are actually being created from ourselves!

WOW! Talk about POWER!  No one is ever doing something to me. Rather, each experience is acting like a mirror reflecting upon me!

Think about an experience in the past, or recently, when you felt someone did something “to you” or made you feel a certain way. Now ask, “How is this a reflection of ME, a part of me that needs healing or attention, that is hurting and needs to be loved”. When we stop blaming other people for our experiences we will feel a tremendous power, instead of giving it away!

I create everything in my life.
I take full responsibility for everything in my life and have to power to change anything!