hope12I find one of the least productive things to do when a tragedy occurs is to go into a state of fear and panic that no one will ever be safe again. For every 1 story I hear about why the world is horrible and unsafe, I hear 10 more stories about selfless, courageous, brave people that put their lives on the line to save others. Acts of humanity that are so amazing you can’t help but be inspired by what we are truly capable of. I choose to keep my focus on these hero’s that did extraordinary things for others out of the goodness of their hearts, without even thinking of themselves.

For example, how one of the first grade teachers’ hid her kids in the cabinets and when the gunman came to her room, told him the kids were in the gym. She sacrificed her life to save her students. I am also thinking of 9-11 and the countless stories of hero’s in the form of firefighters’ and rescue workers’ that went into a burning building risking their lives to save others. These are the stories that I choose to focus on.

I don’t think we will ever be able to rationally answer the question “why did this happen?” But I know it’s times like these I am reminded of what is truly important in life and to ask myself “How can I be a better person?” “How can I be a better example for my kids, my family, my community?”

Although I mourn the loss of the innocent lives and my heart and deepest sympathies goes to all the families and everyone involved. I also celebrate the extraordinary acts of unbelievable courage, selflessness, and bravery that keeps my belief strong in the human spirit!

Think about all the things you have been stressed about lately. Are they really that important? Each day we have is truly a gift. Choose to sit in gratitude for all “so called problems” most people wish they had!

I am truly blessed!
I choose to live in gratitude!

Make it an OUTSTANDING week! It’s your choice!