The road less traveled…

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.
– Robert Frost

I received an amazing card from a client this week that had that quote on the front. On the inside it read “Hi Colleen, Thank you for being a shining example of the road less traveled and for playing BIG!” -Annie Ciaraldi

When my journey stared 2 ½ years ago, people told me…

You need to take medication. I said NO.
You need to go through years of traditional therapy to get better. I said NO.
You can’t heal from the childhood trauma you experienced using “natural” or “alternative” ways. I said WATCH ME!

What can cause the most stress and anxiety in our lives in when we follow the herd, when we DON’T think for ourselves! We live in a society where we are constantly bombarded with messages telling us what to do, or what we need! How many times have you followed those messages without even asking yourself, “Is this right for ME?”

We listen to the “authority figures”, the TV, the internet, our friends, our family and what may be right for them, is wrong for you! We need to wake up and start treating ourselves as the unique people that we are! We need to start thinking for OURSELVES! What happened to being our own authority?!?!

If I had listened to what most people were telling me to do, I shudder to think where I would be right now! Going the road less traveled has totally SAVED MY LIFE!

One thing I want to be clear about, the road less traveled is NOT the easy way! It’s messy, hard, dirty, not pretty, and challenges all parts of oneself, BUT it has been worth EVERY MOMENT! I wouldn’t trade my journey for anything, the good, bad, and ugly because I have absolute certainty that I have the courage, guts, and strength to move through anything in life.

Natural Anxiety Relief Exercise

Think of an area of your life you feel stuck…finances, career, relationships, health, and ask yourself “How could taking the road less traveled drastically move you forward?” And, what does that mean for your life? What action can you take TODAY to get you on a better, more fulfilling path?

Natural Anxiety Breakthrough Affirmation

I have the courage and strength to do what is right FOR ME!

Make it an OUTSTANDING week! It’s YOUR choice!