When I was a junior in high school I was certain that I wanted to be a Physical Therapist “when I grew up”. I was determined. I did all my volunteer hours (over 200 hours!) and I went to a specific college because of their PT program. I was in for a HUGE awakening!

For those of you that don’t know, getting into PT school is insanely competitive. At the time, there were about 22 spots for over 200 applicants. You couldn’t apply until your sophomore year in college. So when the time came, I applied. The process was grueling. Part of the interview process was in a group because there were so many applicants. There were 4 interviewers in the room and 8 applicants at a time. It was INTENSE! One interviewer would ask a question and it was like a pack of wolves attacking to give the “best” answer possible! My stomach was in knots, but I just knew I would get in, I thought it was meant to be!

Then the wake up call came. I was rejected! I was completely devastated. I was numb. I was lost. It was like all of my dreams had just been flushed down the toilet. People just told me to apply again next year, I was so scared of being rejected again, I didn’t think I could take it. I ended up finishing my Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science, knowing that I needed more schooling but I had NO IDEA what I wanted to do!

I graduated and decided to take a year off to figure this mess out. I was so lost. I was so angry. I couldn’t understand why I had worked so hard for something and why I wasn’t “chosen”. I picked myself up and applied to a different Physical Therapy school. In the time between the interview process and when I got my letter, something magical happened! I had what I call a “divine awakening” about my career. Chiropractic school. Yup. That was the answer! I applied and got in! Within a week of finding out I got in chiropractic school, I found out I also got in to PT school! It didn’t matter, destiny had stepped in and the course of my life was changed forever!

Looking back, going to chiropractic school was one of the best decisions I have ever made! It completely changed the way I look at health, myself, and the world we live in. I learned how to eat to nourish my body, how my body has an amazing capacity to heal without medication, and BEST of all, I met my husband, Luke!

Moral of the story…I thought I knew exactly what was suppose to happen in my life. If I would have gotten in to PT school I would be a completely different person now (not for the better!). I was so angry for so many years, feeling like I had failed and that I was being punished. The truth is the exact opposite was happening. That door was shut because it was not a door I needed to go into. What I thought was my biggest failure, was my greatest gift!

Ask yourself what are you still holding onto from that past or present? What situation didn’t work out the way you had planned and you are beating yourself up over it? What if your biggest failure was actually your greatest gift? How would you feel if you could flip the story around and realize that it didn’t happen because it wasn’t meant to! Through the week be aware of doors that are closing. Also be aware of what doors opened because the other door closed.

The universe in constantly working on my behalf!
I am open to the doors that are opening for me and am grateful for the doors that closed.

Make it an OUTSTANDING week! It’s your choice!