You never really know what is going to happen.  As much as you set intentions, pray, mediate, and make the choices that you think are best, there is a plan that is much bigger than you.  This plan always includes giving you exactly what you need, but maybe not what you want.  

I was 6 months away from graduating from chiropractic school (a 4 year doctorate program), when life threw a massive curve ball.  The chiropractic school that I was currently attending lost it’s accreditation.  I was in shock, disbelief, and really really angry.  You can not get a state license to practice chiropractic if you do not graduate from an accredited school.   I contemplated, what do I do?  The school was going to repeal, but there was no guarantee of what was going to happen.

I also found out that if I transferred schools, I needed to attend the school for a minimum of 1 year in order to graduate.  So, if I transferred, I was looking at 9 extra months of schooling, which was over $30,000 extra!!!

Every day was like a roller coaster ride of emotions.  I was going to stay, no leave, no stay, no leave.  My stomach was in knots.

I decided to transfer to a Sherman College of Chiropractic in Spartanburg, SC with my boyfriend at the time (now husband).  This was very very different than Atlanta, Ga! 

What I didn’t realize at the time was that this was one of the best things that could’ve happened to me!

In order to graduate chiropractic school, you need to have a certain number of hours in the clinic adjusting the public.  I was VERY VERY behind in this.  To be honest, I was so scared!  It was so new and I wasn’t believing in myself.

The school losing the accreditation was a massive wake up call for me.

Do I really want this?  Do I want this enough to move past my fear and insecurities?  Am I willing to do whatever it takes?

These were questions that deep down I was asking myself. 

Moving to Spartanburg, SC lit a fire within me.  I DID really want this.  I DID want to move past my fears.  I WAS willing to do whatever it takes!

I went out into the community like gang busters!  I was at every health fair, every opportunity the school offered, and even created my own opportunities to connect with new patients!  In a very short period of time, I was adjusting several patients a day in the clinic.  The receptionist in the clinic even nick named me “zippy” because I was so busy seeing patients.

This experience was invaluable to me.  The confidence I built, the resilience, the commitment, willingness to dig deep within myself, and never give up has served me well in my life.

When I look back on this experience, I am so grateful!  At the time is this what I wanted???  HECK NO!  But, it was exactly what I needed!

I want you to think about a challenging situation right now.  Maybe in your health, finances, relationship, or business.

What is this experience trying to teach you?  How is this exactly what you need?  How can use take this experience and turn it into one of your greatest blessings?

With Courage,
