Do you keep having the same experiences show up over and over again?

Maybe it’s with a job situation that becomes so unbearable that you leave, and find another job…only to recreate another terrible situation again.

Maybe it’s in a relationship with someone that isn’t respecting you, and you leave…only to recreate it again with someone else.

Maybe it’s with a friend that totally takes advantage of you, and you set boundaries, or end the friendship…only to recreate it again with another friend.

It can be SO easy to be focused on the external circumstances and thinking that’s what needs to change….the job, the relationship, the friendship.

It’s easy to think that leaving that situation will solve the issue.

It’s can be easy to blame others.

BUT….if YOU are showing up the SAME WAY, making the SAME choices, just with different people, you will get the SAME results.

This may be triggering to hear, but if this is happening, the real opportunity for change is WITHIN. Most likely you are playing out some old story or limiting belief from a past trauma that you may not even be aware of.

I have heard stories like this so many times. You are in a romantic relationship and sick of being taken advantage of and not valued. If you are honest with yourself, and look back on all your romantic relationships, they all were similar experiences. When you dig deep, you uncover a belief of being unworthy. This belief may have been created when you were bullied badly in middle school, or when your dad left without any explanation. You are still holding onto the hurt and pain and deep down believe you are not worthy. So, every relationship you had ended up confirming and being a reflection of what you already believe deep down.

So, it wasn’t about your partner needing to change. The truth is that you have healing to do within yourself. Until you heal from the past trauma where the belief was created, and can come from a place WITHIN of being worthy, you will just keep attracting experiences that prove you are not worthy.

If you are noticing you are creating the same experiences over and over again, I invite you to ask yourself some very powerful questions.

How are you showing up? As a victim? Entitled? Making others responsible for your experience? Wanting others to change but not making any changes yourself?

What belief do you have within yourself that is being reflected back to you? Unlovable? Unworthy? Not good enough?

How could YOU show up differently? What would be a NEW choice to make?

The only way to ever be free and start creating new experiences is to make changes within.

With Courage,
