I had the honor of hearing Cheryl Richardson give a talk to a small group of people 2 weeks ago. One of the nuggets that she shared that night really resonated with me and I want to share it with you. She said…

“If you are NOT speaking your truth, you are BLOCKING the miraculous!”

Young asian woman with tape on her mouthI couldn’t agree more and I’ve found personally, that when you speak your truth, miraculous things happen!

But first let’s talk about how NOT speaking your truth may be impacting your business and life right NOW.

Maybe you have very little boundaries with friends, family, or clients. Do they have access to you anytime THEY want, when it’s convenient for THEM! Basically, you have NOT spoken your truth about what works best for YOU so you feel like you are constantly “available” and it’s sucking the life out of you!

Maybe your marketing and message sounds like EVERYONE else in your field…and you are not really connecting with your ideal clients or making the impact that you want to make.

Maybe you really want to start speaking but are terrified! Or you are doing some speaking BUT it’s a watered down version of what you REALLY want to say. Speaking is a very powerful way to grow your business, and it’s even more powerful when you are being YOU!

Maybe you are taking on clients that you do NOT want to work with because you think you do not have a choice.

Here’s a story that happened to a client of mine. She had a potential client reach out to her excited to talk with her about her services. She was referred by another client of hers. She had a consultation with them to see if it’s a good fit and she DID NOT feel connected with this person AT ALL.  For some reason, she didn’t know why exactly, her intuition was telling her NOT to work with this person. But…she was being “nice” and didn’t want to have the client that referred that person get mad at her. So she didn’t speak her truth and took them on as a client.

Here’s what happened…they didn’t pay her on time and still owe her money. They started blaming her for the lack of results…even though they were not listening to any of her advice! Basically, it turned into a nightmare!

My client had a very powerful opportunity in this situation. She had the opportunity to see what happens when she does NOT speak her truth and what she created as a result of that decision. So the very next time she had the opportunity to work with someone she knew was NOT a good fit, she said NO! As a result of saying NO to the wrong person, she had 3 NEW IDEAL potential clients contact her that same week…and all 3 signed up to work with her! She was ecstatic!

Speaking your truth can be one of the most difficult yet powerful things you can do.

So, WHY is it so difficult???

There are several reasons why.

A lot of people I talk to have a block in their Throat Chakra from MANY years of suppression and phrases that you may have been told as a child like… Children are seen NOT heard!

As a society you are given messages over and over again that you need to “fit in”. But, most of the time to “fit in” you actually need to suppress WHO you really are.

You are punished for going against the “norm” and rewarded for “following the rules”…rules that other people set up. How this plays out in your business is that your marketing sounds like everyone else in your field because it feels “safe”.

You may have had past traumas or experiences that re-enforced that it is NOT safe to speak your truth. Was there physical, sexual, or emotional abuse in your family? Were you told that you had to keep it a secret? Did you stand up for something when you were younger and were punished because of it?

You may have learned that what other people think is SO important, that it’s actually MORE important than honoring YOUR truth. You were told to be nice, be polite, do the “right” thing, help others even if you don’t really want to! Because if you don’t really want to then you are BAD…and SELFISH…

Well, I am here to help you see how TOXIC this is for you! NOT speaking your truth erodes your belief in yourself, because basically you are re-enforcing that you are NOT important…you do NOT matter. And if YOU are re-enforcing that you are not important and do not matter, that is exactly the how the world and others will treat you. You will create those experiences over and over again.

Here’s the truth…

Speaking your truth is NEVER convenient…in fact, it’s usually VERY inconvenient.

Speaking your truth will NOT help you win a popularity contest…in fact, it may even create “enemies”.

Speaking your truth is NOT easy…in fact, it can be one of the most difficult things you can do…because it may be the last thing people actually want to hear.


It is one of the most powerful gifts you can give to yourself! It builds trust and faith in yourself and is very healing.

So I want you to think about 1 time recently when you didn’t speak your truth. How did you feel? What happened as a result of it?

What if you were able to speak your truth? What would change in your life?

With Courage,
