Well, let me be one of the first to wish you a Happy 2015 (a little early)!

Being a business owner, you are probably thinking about the the past year and what worked and what didn’t. And if you are not doing that…I HIGHLY suggest it!

This is the perfect time of year to really think about what your goals are for 2015 in your business and the BEST and MOST effective ways to get you there…right? I mean, I can’t imagine you are sitting around thinking…how can I make it REALLY hard on myself in the new year to be successful. That sounds totally ridiculous, right?

BUT…that is exactly what you may be doing or have done this past year. You may be making it REALLY hard to reach the success you want in your business.

Let me give you an example… You may think that just because you have a website that you “should” be getting business. Or that just because you have a website people know about you.

It’s reality check time…it doesn’t work that way. I’m not saying a website isn’t important! But, if you want to reach your business goals for 2015 in the BEST, MOST effective way…then you need to get VISIBLE! VISIBLE! Come on and get VISIBLE! (sorry, I couldn’t resist 🙂

But seriously, getting more visible is your secret weapon to success!

Here are some of the most effective ways to get visible to speed up your success!

1. Networking

Before you tune out about networking, I want you to know that networking can be VERY effective. But there are a few problems that give networking a bad wrap. First of all, the mindset that you go into it with is CRUCIAL! If you are just looking for clients…you are shooting yourself in the foot. It’s like expecting to get lucky on your first date.

It’s really about CONNECTING with people and building relationships.

Now I’m not saying that you can’t ever get lucky on the first date. In other words, you definitely can get a client (or more) from networking early on, but I don’t recommend that be your intention. It will naturally happen the more people get to know you and trust you!

I suggest to pick a few local groups that you like the best and show up every meeting, or every month. People will start to remember you, you will start to build relationships, and trust.

Here’s another reason why you may not already be doing more networking or why you have had “negative” experiences with networking.

I encourage you to STOP walking around waiting to give your memorized elevator pitch. It’s just NOT natural. I’m not saying to be unprepared, I’m saying talk like a normal person, it will get you further faster. 🙂

There’s also an illusion that you need to be somebody you are not…to put up a “front”. That’s a BAD idea. I’m not saying go dressed like a slob. But, just be YOURSELF! I have found the more you are YOU, the more effective the networking is…and all the right people seem to show up!

But, let’s be honest…being yourself can be the hardest thing EVER! We have all these fears that convince us that we can’t be ourselves! What will people think if we tell them what we are really thinking? There can be some unresolved issues from our past that cause us to get triggered if we think we don’t fit in. So we alter ourselves and that is a HUGE barrier to actually connecting!

So my challenge to you is to go out there and be more visible networking! Connect with people from your heart…from who you really are and watch the results of your networking change!

2. Speaking

Speaking is such a GREAT way to get more visible. It is a very fast way for people to get to know you and for you to share your perspective. You can reach so many more people in such a short time!

You may or may not have heard me talk about how I used to have a terrifying fear of public speaking. It was paralyzing. I overcame it and it has been one of the BEST things I have ever done for myself and my business.

I have talked to MANY business owners that say they would really love to do more speaking to build their business. But, they let the fear hold them back. Listen, I know how common the fear of public speaking is…but that does NOT make it a good excuse!

There are lots of different reasons why people have this fear and the majority of them are from a past unresolved issue that gets triggered from speaking. There can be issues about being in the spotlight and how that is negative or unsafe. There can be issues about putting yourself in a position publicly to receive criticism or rejection. And that can feel REALLY threatening.

And I want to be clear…I am NOT suggesting that everyone start to use speaking in their business. There are some people that just are NOT great speakers, and I’m sure you have listened to a presentation from one of these people. So you know what I mean.

But, if you DO have a true desire to want to use speaking, then I want to challenge you right now to make 2015 the year you kick this fear to the curb!

A great way to start is to show the Universe that you are READY and keep you eyes open for opportunities. My first few talks were in front of groups of 5-8 people. So you can start small.

3. Blogging or Using Email Marketing

I’m going to be honest, I’ve never considered myself a writer. But, I have found that blogging and using email marketing is a GREAT way to get more visible.

After you have made the decision to commit to this, then do it regularly for the best results. It’s a great way to build rapport and strengthen a connection with people. People really get to know you when you share YOUR unique perspective on a topic.

Are you feeling resistant to this idea? Here’s why that may be happening…maybe you think you have to be a writer (like I used to) OR you have fear about sharing from your heart. Really allowing your truth to come through in the articles can be REALLY scary and trigger old wounds. Am I a good enough? Who am I to be writing this article? Why should people listen to ME? What if someone doesn’t like what I am saying? Those are a few reasons why so many people don’t do this effectively or at all.

So, what do you say? What NEW actions are you willing to take and commit to in 2015? I’d love to hear about them in the comment section below!