pi121-9e9c22e4-b2d9-48ea-8f14-07e73d786d46-v2I was working with a client last week around how to create the success she desires in her business.

We were talking about a program she wants to launch and what has been holding her back.

As we went deeper, we started to uncover some patterns that were sabotaging her success and keeping her from reaching the people she wanted to help.

There was a HUGE awareness that came up that I really feel compelled to share with you because it that’s HUGE!

It was around the concept of “Partnering with Life or Source” every day to reach your goals INSTEAD of thinking you are doing it all on your own.

Now, I feel this awareness is one of those things that we “get” intellectually, but fail to really own on a regular basis (and I’m talking to myself too!)

When we are Partnering with Source each day we experience…

A lot more Ease in our Life and Business

More Joy

Ideas come to us easily and readily

We naturally attract ideal clients to us

We feel supported and taken care of

The freedom to “let go” of all control

Ask yourself…How often do you feel any of the above? Rarely? Sometimes? Often?

I want to invite all of you to make a habit out of Partnering with Source each and every day and notice how your life and business change!