pi121-1a439381-55e1-44c8-b8ef-77789849a790-v2According to the latest statistics, the Fear of Public Speaking is the #1 Fear (74% of the U.S. Population). The #2 Fear is Death.

So people would rather die than stand up in front of a room full of people and talk.

It has become so common that is has been accepted as “normal”.

Well, I just don’t buy it.

Now, mind you, I used to be in one of that 74%. But not anymore! It’s NOT because I’m special, it’s because I knew I had to overcome that fear, I was committed, and had the tools to do it!

Do you ever feel a burning desire inside of you to share your message in a bigger way?

It’s so strong that you know it’s part of your purpose to share it? BUT…

The fear is so BIG, so overpowering that you keep it inside?

That is so frustrating!

Here are a few tips to get you started…

Top 5 Tips to Begin to Overcome Your Fear of Speaking

  1. Let go of the need to be perfect! So many people want to wait until what they have to share is “perfect”. And guess what…it NEVER happens!
  2. Let go of the fear of failure! You will make mistakes, that is guaranteed! The good news is the only way to get better is to make the mistakes and then try again!
  3. Let go of the fear of what other’s think. Guess what???? You are NOT responsible for what other’s think. You are only responsible for how you respond!
  4. It’s NOT about you…it’s about them! Your audience, that is. When we are fearful, we are focusing on ourselves instead of who we can help!
  5. Physiologically…fear and excitement have the exact same response. It is our mind that judges and creates a story about what we are feeling! 
    You can choose to see it as excitement for Speaking!

Remember this on your way to your next networking event or speaking gig!

The rewards for overcoming this fear have been HUGE…

  • reaching HUNDREDS of more people with your message!
  • making more from 1 talk than most make in 1 month!
  • positioning yourself as an Expert at the front of the room that opens the door to opportunity!

Now go out there and get speaking!

Believe Grow Shine
