photo23I had totally forgotten about this story until my mom reminded me of it last month.

I would sing and dance. I would make up my own songs and then record myself (there weren’t any iPhones back then, so I used the good old-fashioned tape recorder, still have some of those tapes under lock & key!)

What really makes this story amazing is that I realized I had known all along I would be on the stage one day. Now granted, I am not signing or dancing (I will spare you as that is not my genius)…BUT I knew at a very young age I would be up on stage expressing myself in my own way.

It was a CORE part of me, part of my purpose.akes this story amazing is that I realized I had known all along I would be on the stage one day. Now granted, I am not signing or dancing (I will spare you as that is not my genius)…BUT I knew at a very young age I would be up on stage expressing myself in my own way.

I have to say being on stage, sharing my experiences, teaching others how to be their best selves and overcome their obstacles is one of the BEST feelings in the world!!! When I step on the stage, it feels like home. Now that may sound totally cheesy, but it’s true.

Now it took me overcoming massive fear and changing my beliefs to make it happen, but I know one reason why it happened so fast was because I was meant to do it.

And here’s the other important piece….I got the support I needed to make it happen, I didn’t do it alone!

I have had clients step fully into their purpose and…

  • Get 5 speaking gigs in 3 weeks
  • Add thousands of dollars to their monthly income consistently
  • Have clients call them out of “nowhere” to work with them within hours after a call with me.

So I want you to think about what you are meant to do that you are NOT doing right now?

What is holding you back?

How much time will you let pass you by?

There is a part of you that is waiting for you to step fully into your purpose and that is when all the ideal clients show up, the money shows up, and you live your dream!

Here are the top reasons people are not stepping fully into their purpose & profit:

  • They are not clear on their purpose

Tip: Watch Video #1 of Unlock Your Purpose & Profit Video Series

  • They are letting FEAR hold them back!

Tip: Watch Video #2 of Unlock Your Purpose & Profit

  • Their Beliefs are holding them back!

Tip: Watch Video #3 of Unlock Your Purpose & Profit! 

The time is NOW! Everything you ever wanted is tied into you stepping into your purpose!