
We are WAY more powerful than we give ourselves credit for! 

I have talked with a lot of women and entrepreneurs that are not satisfied with their businesses or their lives.  I have found 3 Key Mindset pieces that need to be in place for success and I want to share them with you! 

Before I get to those pieces I want to share a bit of my story and how it relates to these 3 Keys. 

I know some of you know my story and some of you may not, but if you have heard it before I want to invite you to remain how to learn something new! 

3 1/2 years ago I started getting severe anxiety and panic attacks that stopped me from working.  After using Powerful Holistic methods I got to root of what had triggered the panic attacks.  I was recovering memories of childhood trauma I had repressed.  I went through a very intense and empowering time of transformation over the next several months letting go of the past and changing sabotaging patterns.  I had very difficult conversations with people, I took responsibility for my life, and I made a radical career move. 

There are so many people out there (maybe you included) that have gone through or are going through a very difficult time in their lives.  People ask me time and time again how I was able to move through such an intense time so fast and create a successful life and business around helping people.  I attribute it to the following 3 Key Mindset Must-Have’s.  There are people that have had similar experiences as I in my past that are stuck their entire life and never move forward.  Each of those people that I know don NOT have these Key Mindset pieces in place. 

3 Mindset Must-Have’s for Success! 

1.  You are not a victim.  Everything that happens in life is FOR you! 

This can be a tough one to swallow.  Even when people go through “trauma” and other difficult experiences, I believe there is always a reason.  When you can make the shift into believing you are not a victim and if something is not the way you want it in your business or life….then DO something about it!  Try something different!  Use the gift you have of Choice to make a new, empowered choice! 

When we get trapped into the victim game in business we can feel like everyone or everything is working against us…in our finances, in getting clients.  It is really dis-empowering!  If you don’t change the way you see these experiences you will continue to create experience after experience where you feel like a victim. 

Tip to turn it around…ask yourself “How can this experience be working FOR my benefit”  what do I have to learn?  How can I turn this into my greatest opportunity? 

2.  Take responsibility for your results and how you feel. 

No one can make you feel a certain way without your permission.  The way in which you respond or react to a situation has to do with YOU!  If there is a situation that is charged for you, ask what within you is being asked to shift? 

I could have played the blame game for the rest of my life from my past experiences and it would have done absolutely NO GOOD!  Nothing gets accomplished when you are blaming others for the way you feel or your lack of results. 

Turn it around tip…Taking Responsibility is not blaming yourself, it’s empowering you with the choice of making a new decision in how you want to respond to something! 

3.  Having Unwavering Faith no matter what happens! 

Faith is one of the most important keys to success.  It has the most power when you can have Faith even though the outer circumstances are not what you want them to be.  That is when we have the greatest opportunity to build our FAith muscle and move forward no matter what is happening in the outside world. 

Faith is more important and powerful than any skill or talent you have.  It can carry you through the most difficult times in your life and business without drowning! 

Turn it around tip…Don’t have “Blind Faith”…that is useless.  True Faith comes from within knowing that no matter what you are supported and loved and will reach your goal and not give up!

 Here’s to YOUR Success!