




Have you ever had the feeling like you know you REALLY want to say YES to an opportunity….BUT you are scared sh*tless?

I had that experience this week! I made a quick video…

Click here to watch!

In my experience the more fear I have about saying YES, the more I know it’s exactly the right next step!

Can you relate?????

Maybe you have an opportunity right now that you haven’t’ said yes to yet.

It reminds me of when I overcame my fear of public speaking. I was going through a MASSIVE Inner conflict…1 part of me really wanted to share my story and 1 part of me wanted to stay hidden!

What tipped the scales was when the part of me that wanted to share my story grew LARGER than the part of me that wanted to hide.

I want you to think about an opportunity you have right now and write out the pros & cons of your decision.

If you say YES…what could it make possible for you or your business? I find that focusing on the possible results helps to squash the fear!

If you were to say YES…would it lead to more clients? more money? you being able to reach more people? live your purpose?

Then what does that make possible… Will it enable you to make the impact that you really want? With more money will you be able to give back more?

If you say NO…how could that benefit you or maybe derail you from your mission?

I’m not trying to say that every opportunity is there to say YES…I actually believe there is a sacred power in saying NO when it’s appropriate. But there is also times when we say NO for the “wrong” reasons…like we are not believing in ourselves, don’t think we are good enough, etc.

For me saying YES to overcoming my fear of public speaking (and the big opportunities I allowed to do so) led to…

  • reaching HUNDREDS of people with my transformational story
  • getting ideal clients
  • making more from 1 talk than i make in 1 month
  • living my purpose
  • making the impact I really want

Ok so HERE’S to BIG LEAPS this week!


believe grow shine

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